Hector Elementary School Principal

Hector Elementary School
11529 SR 27, Hector, AR 72843
Kara Rohr, M.S.Ed., NBCT
Hello! I am Kara Rohr, and I was born and raised in Kansas, but moved to Arkansas when I took a position with Arkansas State Parks. Though I graduated from Kansas State University with a park resources management degree, after having 3 children, I knew it was time for a career change. I have always taught in some fashion or another in every job I’ve held since 7th grade, and my father was a teacher, so teaching was the natural choice for me. I attended Arkansas Tech and began teaching in the fall of 2006 at Hector School District. I taught 3rd grade for 11 years before becoming principal, and all of my children have attended Hector Schools.
This year marks my seventh year as Hector Elementary’s principal, and I feel very blessed to work with you and your children. Hector Elementary is a wonderful school, and I want to personally thank you for sharing your children with us! I would like to extend a special yearlong invitation to our families to visit the school and join us for our events and activities whenever possible. It is an honor and privilege to serve as your principal. Please feel free to contact me at any time. Together, I know we will make this school year one of growth and achievement for all children.